i never took warren for an informer. my family had taken him in at age 12. his parents had been killed in a cheap hotel room on carvel street over a crack deal gone sour. or at least that’s what we told him. "better double check that suitcase," i told warren as i folded my laundry, "ma won't like it if its not all there." warren looked over at me amused, "have i ever forgotten anything?" the truth is, he had forgotten something once. i had won a small glass mirror at a rodeo when i was 5. it had a picture of the duke boys leaning on the general lee. 9 years ago, on our return trip from jarleson florida, warren had left the mirror in our hotel room. i never brought it up again. warren carried the overstuffed luggage down the 4 flights of stairs, nearing the bottom he began grabbing his chest and searching his pockets fruitlessly. holding out his inhaler, i yelled down to warren... "looking for this you godamn duke boys mirror thief?" they never did find his body.

oh my god, this was the best one ever! haHA!!
The 'General Lee,' wow that takes me back.
hooray for the dukes!
and also, hooray for superfly. welcome back, old friend.
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