the wind gently rustled through the autumn hardened leaves of the immense elms as the carrol family settled in for the evening. sara carrol had begun to set the dishes of the night’s dinner in the sink as a loud knocking from the front door startled her. tom carrol looked up from his paper and took off his wire framed glasses, “are you expecting someone?” he asked sara giving her a concerned stare. “no, not at all.” she said removing the apron. “stay here, and lock the back door, do it now.” sara was afraid. the carrol family kept to themselves and lived at the lone two-story cottage at the end of a long country back road. if anyone was knocking at their door, it wasn’t by accident. “tom wait…” sara said in a frightened voice. “i said lock the back door!” he growled taking a large knife from the kitchen drawer. tom walked hesitantly to the front door and placed his hand on the door knob and took a deep breath. he jerked the door open and several small brown leaves swirled in on a cool breeze. tom looked down to see a strangely wrapped package on the stone porch. “hello!” he yelled out into the darkness. tom picked up the package and shut the large wooden door, quickly locking all three locks. “what is it?” sara said suddenly by his side. “don’t know.” tom said examining the package. the tattered red christmas paper had crazy writing on almost every side. one side read “get out carrols!” another read “boom!” tom held the package up to his ear, it was ticking. “oh my god” tom said in a shaking voice. “what? what?” sara said in a frantic voice. cindy was now at the top of the stairs, “what is it daddy? what’s going on? sara grabbed tom’s arm, “what are we going to do tom?” cindy came running down the stairs with her teddy bear and started to cry. “what do we do tom? sara pleaded. “ok look cindy” tom said trying to sound calm, “we are going to play a game okay cindy, daddy needs you to go upstairs and get in your closet okay? cover yourself with all your blankets. do you understand?” cindy stopped crying and wiped her tears with her pajama cuffs. “okay daddy.” cindy ran upstairs and got into the dark closet and sat down in the cramped space. she turned on her small barbie flashlight and illuminated the scraps of red wrapping paper and markers in the corner. an evil smile curled her lips, “put me to bed at 8:00 pm on saturday will you bitches?”

Thanks for the heads up that you moved. :o)
Yeah, thanks for the heads up, but you know what? I really can't stand waiting more than a couple days to read a new post. Now maybe you have to spend some time thinking of the stories (goodness knows I couldn't even start), but I really look forward to reading them. So if you could post more often, I'd appreciate it and darn it you better do what some random blogger in black internet hole tells you. Ok ok, what I'm really trying to say is you are awesome and I look forward to the next story. Oh yeah, and I hope you plan on putting them all in a book, I'll vouch for it!
Revenge of the small people. They learn it from the parents you know. Ahh, the touch of convincing reality with "wire framed glasses!"
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