captain ed davenport slowly scanned the black horizon as the sound of his breathing filled the vacuum of his mirrored space helmet. ed gave the tethered chord a soft tug and gently floated downward as he shifted his mass to the left, giving his bulky suit a slight spinning trajectory that positioned him directly over the southern tip of the indian ocean. with another soft torso twist to the right, he was positioned under the belly of the pale blue space station and he placed both hands softly onto the panels and he was still once again. “looks like i’m over the circuit interface judy.” captain judy monroe sat motionless with her hands folded at the command panel. she leaned forward and spoke methodically into the microphone, “so how did svetlana’s ass look this morning ed?” there was silence. “i’m over the control panel judy, requesting data sequences.” he spoke in a forced voice. “she works out right ed? i mean, to have an ass like that right? isn’t that what you said?” ed closed his eyes and tapped his gloved fingers on the ship. “request data sequences captain.” judy leaned back and jerked three levers downward causing a slight hissing noise that tapered off into silence. ed’s oxygen sensors began to blink. “that’s not what i meant judy and you know it. now turn back on the air and give me the god damned sequences!” judy was already down the command tube and was cursing in a muffled voice as she spun the red wheel counter-clockwise and slammed the large red button by the pod door. ed felt his hands slowly lift off the craft as he frantically pulled on the unhooked tether. judy lit a cigarette as she stared at the flailing astronaut drifting into space and quietly thought to herself, “well…i hope you got a real good look at her ass you bastard.”

lavish praise is certainly deserved ... but aren't you being just a teeny weeny bit prejudiced about green folk ? so FLY! Can't help responding to your pandered word play. The swoon of my head began in it's midst and not a whirl of it was lost to Courvoisier. And as for your DAMN RIGHT!...okay, I'm gonna shut my mouth even though I'm talkin'
'bout superflywebpimp.
Too long away, a welcome return. I am thinking - 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!' A cautionary tale for all red-blooded males who turn their heads and glance appreciatively at a neatly formed tail.
"give me the god damned sequences!" - oh yes, if beseeching fails then resort to good old angry shouting!
okay, this is my new fav. i mean.. what did you expect me to do anyway? just pretend i didnt hear it?... gosh.
you go judy. mmm-hmm. Yeah.
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