professor vandelay pulled the small pear shaped device over the blue patch of rubber on the table causing the tiny arrow on the flickering light box to move and all the children erupted in giddy delight. “alright now, settle down children” professor vandelay spoke with a smile, “the ancient ones would use this clicking device to move the “cursor” over the bulking screen boxes they called “monitors.” the children laughed again. it was late september in the year 4892 and professor vandelay was giving a lecture on the dawn of computing systems at the early humanoid evolvement center. it was always a crowd favorite. “who here has heard of the spam brandings of the late 2000’s?” vandelay asked the hushed crowd. a teenaged boy in the front raised his hand, “was that when the virtual people would appear and tickle you?” the crowd laughed again. “no no, that came much later. the spam brandings began when the world became fed up with unsolicited “emails,” and began branding a hot iron of their spams into their bodies as an embarrassment for all to see. a boy in the third row stood up and asked about the burned words “ask me about my enormous girth” on the professor's arm. the professor pulled his sleeve down and the crowd laughed again. “let’s just say i lived a reckless youth.”

Vandelay, a la Seinfeld's Vandelay Industries? Great story, my friend. And thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be back for more, you super fly pimp you.
True Jersey Girl
Greetings Bongo!
I see you perused by my blog. I shall endevour to plague you with comments and my own brand of wit.
Keep spreading the word.
I notice that commenting on blogs is getting you more comments in return. So cudnt help commenting myself!! Good work...nice graphics...great imagination...superb audio clip!!
hey. thanx for actually browsing thru my nonsensical blog. it's been fun reading your writings. coolness...
thanx again and do visit whenever you can.
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog. :-)
Good day to you sir, your kind comments fair took me aback. Unsure of proper etiquette and indeed unused to commentary, I simply responded in my own comment thread. Having now regained some small measure of composure I am compelled to visit you. So I see you write as well as draw, what a remarkable talent!
I chortled aloud at “The Ring of Fire” and laughed like a drain at “A Reckless Youth Indeed.” Reading further I caught several glimpses into a future world that may be a tad mad, bad, sad and glad. I have just filled my coffee percolator and will settle down to a long morning’s reading. I think you just acquired a new reader.
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